
National Coming Out Day 2008

I introduced my dreamy coming out design, NCOD 2007, for National Coming Out Day last year. (I really did design it in my sleep.) Now I've made the date 2008 and added all of my coming out designs to the JamieCo Design gallery at Zazzle. (Check out the NCOD 2008 square buttons and magnets!)

My latest news, though, is that two poster versions of NCOD 2008 mark the debut of my designs at Loxly Gallery. I'll be putting more of my work up there soon!

National Coming Out Day is October 11. On that date in 1987, the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights drew hundreds of thousands of people. As a result, a national celebration of coming out was established on the anniversary of the march. Today, the Human Rights Campaign promotes honesty and openness about being gay, lesbian, bi, or trans in its National Coming Out Project, culminating every October 11 in National Coming Out Day. We are far closer to equality than the half million marchers were then. Our visibility is a big part of that change.

Whether coming out to yourself or to others as gay, queer, lesbian, bi, trans, or even as a straight ally, it's a victory worth celebrating and commemorating. Visit hrc.org for information about coming out, including coming out as a straight ally.

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